
 not written here for so long! it's been a busy few months, everything's going really well though, much thanks to the love and support from the extended keep it bright family! here's a quick update..
i launched my anti-violence campaign 'Someone's Everything' last month, you can check it out by clicking the pic below, please get involved and share it wherever you can.

also, dropped 3 new positive-t's ! 

you can get them all at the online shop, as well as the new pocket mirrors ! 

Get following the Keep It Bright twitter if you're not already doing so, @keepitbrightuk 

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I've quoted this book quite alot, and if you haven't read it yet, buy one and get reading asap! It's gotta be my favourite book ever, so much wisdom & peace, it's a must-read, it will change your life.

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 also, not running a competition atm but wanted to feature this amazing drawing by Kitty Pinkstars, i love it loads! check out her stuff here!

Keep looking after yourselves, dreamin' big & loving life. 


hey guys,  hope all's good with everyone! 
first up, the forever pocketbooks are back in stock, you can get yours at http://keepitbright.bigcartel.com, and as always you can read it online at http://keepitbright.co.uk :D

 competition entries are in! 


These wonderful bookmarks were made by the lovely Emily Kate Jackson. Print out, stick onto some card and there you have it! :)

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Got a sunny entry from 15 year old Uzzy Siddiqui!

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The beautiful Charlie Miriam Carr's tattoo's are 2 brilliant positive messages:

'whatever you are, be a good one'
'life's a journey, not a race' 
here's what she had to say..

"I absolutely love everything that you do to make the world a brighter place, literally even the smallest things that you do with put a smile on at least one persons face. You're such an inspiration and everybody should have the same outlook on life that you have, to live it to the fullest, laugh often, love well and of course, keep it bright! You have such a way with words and quotes that really reach out to some people, bringing them out from their darkest places, just spreading the love that you do makes a huge difference.

My tattoos are meaningful quotes to me, that members of my family have said to me for the whole of my life, so much so that whenever I'm down I think about them and it puts me in my happy place again, everybody should be able to put their mind into a place of complete peace, where they have no worries and they can be completely happy, and the whole 'keep it bright' story makes that possible."

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Josh Taylor's statement design, "inspired by Zara khalique, deal with the struggles that life throws at you, it will only ever make you stronger, life is never straight forward but you just gotta take what you got and make the most of it!". Legend!
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Noo89's awesome entries are above! Check out her work at http://noo89.tumblr.com

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Thanks for your entries guys, always appreciate the effort you all put in :) will inbox the winners with their prizes! 


time is flying by already this year, hope everyone's looking after themselves and smashing all that they do..

watch this video if you haven't, it's the absolute truth!

also, follow @keepitbrightuk on twitter, and retweet your favourite quotes!

 time for the first competition of 2012! it's been tooo long..
if you haven't entered/seen the comps before, have a scroll down and look at previous entries for some ideas, but basically the comp is all about keeping it as bright as you can! i know you can make a difference, do something good and show the world how it's done.. you can send your entry to me via facebook or at zarakhalique@hotmail.com, the closing date is March 26th, so you've got a few weeks to get out there and do it; think outside the box, think big!
all the best entries will be featured right here, and the winning entries recieve sexy clothes.

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hey guys, hope this finds you well and enjoying the new year! 
just a quick one about a few things that are happening on the keep it bright front..
the new 'Mission' t's dropped this week, and a lot of you have been repping them already! i've priced them at £10, so hopefully they're affordable for everyone, and you can get them at http://keepitbright.bigcartel.com now! :)

lots of new stuff coming soon, also if you have twitter, follow @keepitbrightuk and retweet your fave quotes!


wishing you all the happiest of new years, make this one the one where you take massive steps towards living the dream, the one where you turn everything around, the one to remember.
can't thank everyone who's supported me, keep it bright & dream factory in 2011 enough, you guys are making this happen, and i have huge plans for keeping it bright this year, so just know that YOU make a difference, YOU make it worthwhile. loads of opportunities to get doing positive stuff this year, stay tuned! 
also, shout out to the Daman Zaman & the listeners of his show at FM Sunrise Islamabad, for showing me so much love when i was a guest at his radio show in Pakistan this christmas! big up everyone keeping it bright all over the world :)
keep spreading the word, 
this is going to be the brightest year yet.  


Hiiii! another amazing month thanks to all of you, it's been like a dream! Got the new-look pocketbooks in stock, you can get hold of one at http://keepitbright.bigcartel.com  or just check it out on the homepage!

First thing i need to talk about is the absolutely incredible group of people that make up the RECLAIM Project. Ruth Ibegbuna, Emma Horridge and their extended team/family make such a positive difference to many of Manchester's young people, giving them great opportunities, experiences, support and so much more. I love working with everyone at Reclaim, the young people are just as inspiring as the people who run it. I can't even big up their invaluable work enough, you really have to see it in action, but i can tell you i've never met people so hard-working, dedicated and big-hearted working towards something so great. 

Now here's the great part, there's lots of ways you can get involved; if you want to be a mentor, or if you have the capacity to donate money or resources, please get in touch!  Also, Reclaim have just opened a mini library at their HQ for their young people! They're asking for a donation of a book you find/found inspiring or useful growing up, with the reason why written in the front cover, which you can post to them at: RECLAIM, Suite 3B2 Portland Buildings, 127-129 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4PZ. So great to think how many young people you could impact with this simple but powerful gesture :)

Earlier this month, Manchesters Chief Constable Of Police, Peter Fahy threw a fundraising ball for Reclaim, which was amazing, Sinead Andrews (one of the most amazing young women i've met) did a beautiful speech about Reclaim, and i wanna thank Mr & Mrs Fahy for their support of my book! Also, so much love for the team from Cisco Systems Manchester who all passed copies of my book around, and gave me unreal encouragement!

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 Need to give a massive shout out to the absolutely wonderful Miss Carly Crichton, who's started her own blog after checking out my book, and it's just great, really inspiring! Click here to have a look, i'm so proud of her, and grateful that people take actions like this to help brighten others lives up. Massive big up to this superstar.

Another beautiful young lady i want to  shout out this month is miss Amy Thomas, who's been keeping really strong and lovely, despite really hard times around her! Much love to all my soldiers out there, don't forget to trust your struggle!

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Final special mentions of support have to go to the incredible Ms Dynamite who i met this month and said Keep It Bright and my book were beautiful! (check out everyone who's been reppin' at http://haveyouseenthisbear.blogspot.com), and to all of you who keep spreading the love, or taking it in, and just supporting all i do, means everything. If you need someone to talk to, or if there's anything i can do to help, get in touch and i'll try the best i can !

Trust Your Struggle t-shirts and jumpers coming this week, so keep an eye out for them!

Love, zara. 


hello wonderful people, what a month it's been, thank you so much as always for all the love, support, messages, kindness, and for passing on the keep it bright message. I'm hoping this finds you well & happy ! going to start with some of my favourite quotes from one of my favourite books, Courage: The Joy Of Living Dangerously by Osho;
'You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous, you cannot be loving if you are not courageous, you cannot be trusting if you are not courageous; Hence courage comes first, and everything else follows.'

‎'A man really becomes a man when he accepts total responsibility - he is responsible for whatsoever he is and does. This is the first courage, the greatest courage.'

'The more alive a person is, the more problems there are. But there is nothing wrong in it because struggling with problems, fighting with the challenge, is how you grow.'
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Big up everyone who's been posting about this site on facebook, twitter, on their blogs, means alot, over 15,300 views now just through word of mouth. Keep it up, we're reaching loads of people who need a bit of light, every little really does help, trust me! 
shout out to Ryan James Heenan for posting this on his blog, love for everyone who takes out a little time to do things like this!
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So, on to the competition! just wanna say a massive thankyou to everyone who entered this month, all of them were so brilliant, everyones literally a winner! 
First up, this piece by the very talented, lovely young lady that is Hiba Al-Jarah, i predict huge things from her in the future! 

She also attached this message, that i still have no words for.. 

"To make someone's day a little brighter is in my opinion one of the best feelings in the world, and making at least one person smile a day is something i'll always try to achieve. but where i sometimes used to lack any motivation or methods to do this, it's all kind of been restored by Zara Khalique, who has no doubt changed the way i (along with many others) view life, and injects every person she meets with positivity and inspiration. i haven't known her for very long, nor have i met her in person, yet she's inspired me in ways i thought unimaginable. she definitely deserved this drawing, and i'm glad i've finally taken part in the Keep It Bright movement. thanks for everything you do Zara. you have so much love to give and you deserve everything good in life."
 Thankyou so much for sharing that, and for your words Hiba, you are beautiful.
The next entry is from the brilliant Gary Brown (amazing photographer if you don't already know, click his name to check out his work!). I've attached  afew of the pictures he sent as there was loads, here's what he had to say about it!

"My plan to spread a bit of love and happiness was as follows;I used some of my own 'beautiful accident' photographs. Sometimes when I take a shot I get the settings wrong and although it doesnt come out as intended, it often comes out as a beautiful pattern of lights, each one unique and unrepeatable. Then I added some of my favourite sayings from the 'Keep It Bright' pocketbook to each one and printed off loooooaddds. 
Then for the past few months I have been distributing them to the world. Either handing them to people or sometimes just leaving them on a bus or in a bar in the hope someone finds it and likes it. These have come with me as far as Malaga in Spain and Croatia, to Hideout Festival. There are people in my work with them pinned up by their desks (I actually have one above my own monitor). I tried to capture pics of as much of this as possible. Unfortunately, as I went in the sea with my phone at Outlook I lost quite a few of the pics I had been collecting :( I still have more postcards and will be continuing my mission! "


such an awesome thing to do, thankyou Gary! :D
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Next up is a special mention to Harriet & Martina Heaney and Amy Mcintyre, new members of the family, but they're all so lovely, feel like i've known them forever! Check out these awesome pics of Harriet taken by Amy, in her new dream factory hoodie..


Harriet, 12, says 'Dream big, live bigger, wear dream factory, the sky is the limit!'. I say she deffo has a bright mindset for her age ;) love it!
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Next up is Lauren Smith.. She sent me the following message about how she made a change;
 "You've probably had loooads of people say this to you but really from the bottom of my heart all the inspiration really has turned my life around. I'd reach rock bottom, there wasn't a meaning anymore. I didn't wanna crawl out of bed, I couldn't bring myself to do things I really wanted to do & I really didn't wanna be here. But I'm loving it now. I've proved everyone that doubted me wrong. I passed college & I've now got a job aswell. Life couldn't be better."
..and she got a tattoo of her favourite quote from my book!

 'I chose that quote because it just shows you that no matter how rainy & dark the day feels & seems there Is always a way out of it. You've just got to keep fighting. I fought my way out of it & now I'm stronger & more appreciative of life then before I went through the darkness. I learnt to dance in the rain (:'
I think she's such an strong, amazing girl for turning her world around, and for sharing this with me! 
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I found this sunshine of an entry in my inbox from the wonderful Lucy Appleton..
Inspiration for this project has been drawn from a number of places. First and most mentionable is the message in a bottle I found in 2006! I send all the love in the world to the person who wrote this, whoever you are, thankyou!
Other influences include Lewis Carroll's book "Alices Adventures in Wonderland", Richard Bach's book "Illusions" and not forgetting of course www.keepitbright.co.uk ;)
Attached to the balloons on luggage tags are a selection of quotes from the "Forever" pocketbook. On the back of each tag I have also written the web address www.keepitbright.co.uk ! In the bottles are quotes from Richard Bach's book "Illusions", probably the most important book I've ever read.
Over time I'll take these bottles to be set afloat in different waters, reaching far and wide, spreading positivity to all corners of the globe :)
Only sky is the limit.
(All balloon photos taken by Ieuan Flowers!)'

 I think you'll agree, a proper wonderful entry! :D Massive thankyou to Lucy for her effort!  

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Special mention of the month goes to the wonderful pair that are Sam Green and Bex Ilsley, just want to thank them for all their kindness ever, for constantly being lovely 100% of the time, these two are unreal! Sam helped me turn my life around when i needed it most, and taught me first-hand how one person really can make a difference to another.. i wish them both so much happiness! 
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So that's all for this month folks,
Stay brilliant, you know what to do :D
ps. just want to make sure you all know that i'm here for you if you need someone to talk to/guidance, anything, hit me up. 


hey guys, just a few words if you're not sure about how you can get involved with the competitions ! there's a way for everyone to get involved, you don't need much, just an idea to carry out. scroll down and check out all the entries we've had so far, and you'll see how diverse they all are. from spreading a positive message to the people you work with/see daily to putting a big message out in an artform that reaches the world, or just doing one big hearted thing for someone, it can be anything! use your talents and your time to do something good, something real, to make a difference! document it as well as you can, and just go for it.
entries for this month would be appreciated in before 21st October,
love more & dream bigger,


thankyou all for all the love and support in the past month :)) check out this months comp entries and the first ever keep it bright award below. the competition is going to be monthly from now on, so keep sending your entries in!
also just wanna share my newest tattoo with you all; trust your struggle.

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lets start with a poem by the lovely Mia Wallace;

'If only each one,
could see the beauty of it all,
it may be easier said than done,
but written creates a small,
inprint in your brain, 
forget the rain, it may be there,
but sun can take away the pain,
it's bright, and true,
just like you,
priceless gift is love,
and the older you get,
the more the feeling seems new,
count your blessings,
the limits are endless,
breathing, and walking,
and staying alive,
music to feed the soul
just move a little closer
and you will
to be great,
create what you want,
it's all in the tips of your fingers 
amazing feelings you get when you create
a life, worth fighting for
the struggle is there 
im sure,
but honesty and peace
makes room for more.' 
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Uzzy Siddiqui sent another cool digital entry our way this month;


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Got a musical entry from the awesome Wobz;

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 Speaking of musical talent, the amazing Ruby Ann Patterson headlined Dulcimer Bar in Chorlton, Manchester the other week ( if you haven't seen her live yet, put it on your to-do list, she's amazing, check out her new single here! ) The gig was brilliant, and she'd made a beautiful 'D r e a m B i g' collage at the entrance where everyone could see, and in her set she talked about Keep It Bright and presented me with her lovely paintings, was so amazing!

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This months winning entry is Abi Left's :) she left her wonderful mark on the world by spreading positive messages at Shambala Festival this year ! 
'It's patchwork to enlightenment, covered in quotations, to make people who may have something negative going on realise there's more to life.' 
I really admire the effort and love she obviously put in to this! Big love! 
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I'd like to introduce the Keep It Bright Awards; a place to recognise someone who's done something particularly wonderful to help keep it bright ! 
The first winner has to be Alexandra Smith, who was nominated by the brilliant Pippa Rankin, who got in touch with me to let me know about what her friend had done. This act of kindness really meant alot to me, it really captures the essence of everything i want to do, and always is a great example of spreading positive vibes in your everyday environment  :) I asked Alexandra to explain what she did...
'I was given a copy of the"Forever" book by a friend of mine, Pip, the evening before the last day with my class of 14/15 year old kids in an inner city comp school in North Manchester.
I am leaving the school to take a career break and so this was the last ever time I would see my form class (year 9s)... I was trying to think of things to do with them...something I could leave them with that would make a difference - and then this book came along! "Perfect!" I thought, and the next day I had every page photocopied for each of my form group members to pick out "their" page from a bag! A perfect little life message for each one!!'

 so brilliant ! thankyou Alexandra, & Pippa for passing on a book and sharing the love, amazing women! 
So do get in touch with nominations for anyone you think has done something really great, and also with entries for the next competition. nothing but love !


Hello amazing, time for the 2nd comp! it's basically the same as the last, (so have a scroll down and see the general outlines and the entries from the last one) but this time i want you to do it even bigger, think of the winning entry from the last one as a standard. So whatever you might usually do, do it 2 steps up, push your limits and tell me all about it. Think of a way to promote your entry/get it out into the world even better. I'd love to see some proper hands on entries, whether it's a piece of graffiti, an installation, a video, a song, an act of kindness/spreading love, just whatever you can do to keep it bright, think outside of the box. You can enter in a group or by yourself, and you have 3 weeks to get the entries to me, closing date is 1st September and you can enter with as many different projects/pieces as you want. You can either send them me on facebook or email me at zarakhalique@hotmail.com, all entries will be featured on the website and the winner/s prize will be something good of course! 
Also wanna thank everyone who's been posting the website link as a status etc, got over 11 thousand views now, very grateful, keep it up. Hope you're all good and looking after yourselves,
love always, zara.


Hey (: ! first up wanna thank everyone for all the love and support for the pocket books, the first batch is now sold out and i'll be getting more on 1st june! Thankyou for all the keep it bright related statuses and tweets, keep helping to spread the word to the world ! (: 
Now for the competition entries, big up everyone who took time to enter.. 

First up we have this awesome piece by PaNick, big up man! you can check out his work at 

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 Another arty entry was from Uzzy Siddiqui, which includes alot of my favourite messages !



Now for a more abstract take on the project, Skin Walker made this track, Keep It 64 ! 

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This beautiful entry is from the amazing Philippa Rankin, who you might know for herphotography, multi-talented or what! (:

"Love yourself,
Every strand of hair on your head,
Every freckle,
Each line on your skin,
Its yours,
You are an individual,
Make a stamp on this earth.
There will never be anyone else like you,

Open up,
Open your eyes, ears heart and soul to music, laughter, and everything inbetween,
Take it all in.
If you want to achieve something,
Go after it.
Don't stop until you've grabbed it with both hands.
If you don't like something,
Change it.
If you love something,
Cherish it.

Before you complain about something you don't have,
Stop for a minute and look around you.
Look at everything you already have,
No matter how big or small.
If you were born into a loving family,
You are already better off than 30% of this world.

Let people in,
Hear what they have to say.
You will be surprised at how many lives you can change just by listening.
And most of all,
Don't shut people out, simply because you don't understand them.
Just because you're on the same journey,
It doesn't mean that you're on the same path.

Everybody is here,
And everybody has their story.
Wether you are on your own,
Or sharing it with someone else,
Don't stop people from following their dreams,
As you shouldn't let anything stop you from following yours."

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 All the entries have been awesome, so thanks again guys for creating these unique messages! The winning entry for this time is by Courtney Askey, because the selflessness, love and effort really shines through! Her prize is a bunch of Dream Factory goodness, Check it out..
' We walked a round trip of about 6 miles or so, through the local area and along the busiest possible paths to spread the message of living well, loving much, laughing often, inner beauty, happiness and the Keep It Bright name. On the way we got a whole load of beeps from cars, waves from buses, smiles from passers by, bells from bikes and thumbs up from families. A young couple also asked us to be in their wedding pictures, as well as the boss of the local funfair inviting us in for free to spread the positive messages. 
True beauty, happiness and life is within. Sometimes it just takes a stranger to remind you. 
Courtney xxxx'


 .. how lovely! So thankyou Courtney and everyone else who entered this time round, and i look forward to seeing your entries next time, keep it bright! 


okay family, so to celebrate the launch of the new look www.keepitbright.co.uk site and the new book, i'm holding a competition! basically the aim of keep it bright is to spread it's love to as many people as possible, so i want to get you more hands-on involved with doing this.
how to enter//
well this competition is basically one of promotion, so instead of the usual posting the link to the website, i want you to get creative, no limits! could be a piece of art, a song, a film, putting an advert in a paper, shouting it out on the radio, anything! use your links, make it personal, make it relevant. feel free to use quotes from the book, remember to have the website address clearly stated/linked, and then send me it at zarakhalique@hotmail.com or tag me on facebook.

this competition is now open til 20th May, all the best entries will be published on the site, and those who've made the extra effort will be rewarded with prizes of some sort. i know everyone likes a competition and the chance to win stuff, but i just want to remind you that by doing this you're honestly going to help people make their days and hopefully lives better, cos that's what i'm aiming to do with the site.

 if you're going to enter, take your time, fully smash & promote it, i know you can ;)

nothin' but love, zara.